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What is Digital Banking of Jamuna Bank PLC?
This is the web-based application of Jamuna Bank PLC which enables users to conduct various banking activities by means of digital platform.
What services/facilities are served through the Digital Banking of Jamuna Bank PLC?

Our Digital Banking offers users a variety of banking activities like own bank transactionss, inter-bank transactions
(by BEFTN/RTGS), cheque book requisition, obtain statement, pay utility bills etc.

Who is eligible to avail Digital Banking Service?

A customer maintaining individual account with Jamuna Bank PLC is eligible to avail this service.

What will a customer do to avail Digital Banking Service?
Customer should approaches to the branch for availing the service from where his/her account was originated. Customer will need to provide mandatory information like email address, NID/Passport number, mobile number etc. to the branch.
What is Branch responsibility regarding Digital Banking Service?
If a customer approaches to his/her concern branch for availing the service, the Branch will have to update customer’s account information so that the customer will be able to register into the digital banking web-portal by himself/herself. Branch should not be involved in this registration process due to customer’s security concern.
What are the key factors for updating Customer’s account Information?
To update customer’s account, branch should amend “customer information file” of the customer’s account against which he/she wants to get the service. In this regards, Branch should take formal request from customer and verify authenticity and give careful entry. However, customer’s provided email address will be login ID for digital banking service and this email ID cannot be changed later after successful registration.
What is the web-portal of Digital Banking Service Service?
The Digital Banking portal is : ; Customer will also find the portal (with registration manual) by visiting Bank’s official website and clicking on Digital Banking icon
What will customer do in case of Account Lock?

Due to security concern,, customer’s login ID will be locked after 03 (Three) consecutive wrong password attempt.
To unlock the ID, customer will need to send an email at from his/her registered email
in Jamuna Bank mentioning the following information:

i. Registered e-mail Address

ii. Registered phone number

iii. Account number

When the ID is unlocked by Head Office, customer will get a system-generated email with a password-protected PDF file containing a new password. The password to open the PDF will be last 4 digit of CIF number@first part of email address (e.g, if CIF is 10000100007654321 and email is,, then the password will be 4321@username). Customer needs to open the PDF file within 30 minutes of receiving the mail. After 30 minutes, it will not work.

What will customer do in case of forgetting password?
Customer will click on “forget password” and submit required information along with memorable question to recover the password.
In which case User ID may become inactive?
If a customer does not log in to his/her account within last 90 days, then the account will become inactive. To unlock the ID, customer must email with required information as stated in FAQ no. 08;