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whatever, whenever you require, we want to deliver.
Import of Commercial goods. Import of raw materials for production purpose. Import of capital / machineries.
The importers avail of investment facilities against all kinds of imports. But in case of imports under category, investments are made under the Shariah approved Bai-Murabaha and Bai-Muajjal modes and in case of import under category, investment is made under the Shariah compliant mode of Hire Purchase under Shirkatul Meelk (HPSM). Investment facilities are also provided for import business through Bai-Salam, Musharaka and Mudaraba modes. Besides, the Islami Banking branches will fully abide by the national and international norms and guidelines relating to export/import business.a) The client (buyer) requests the Bank to purchase particular goods and promises to purchase the same from the bank at a price fixed by charging profit over the cost price. b) Under the Bai-Murabaha mode of investment there is no scope to increase the price once it is fixed. c) After buying the goods, the Bank has to bear all the risk until goods are actually delivered to the client.
Import of goods under Bai-Murabaha mode of investment In the import business, the importer provides an irrevocable letter of authority to the ank to import specific goods on behalf of him (the client) from the foreign seller and romises to buy the same from the Bank. In this case, the Bank is designated as a onsignee in the Bill of lading and later on the Bank hands over the same to the mporter through endorsement i.e. the ownership of the goods is transferred to the mporter. As per uniform customs and practices, the seller lodges his claim or places claim for dues to the buyer’s Bank through the bill of exchange and the buyer’s bank discharges the claim on behalf of the buyer. The above import system is fully approved/ supported by the Islamic Shariah.a) Murabaha Import L/C b) Murabaha Import Bills (MIB) c) Murabaha Post Import (MPI)
i) Conveyance – TA/DA ii) Commission payable to the agents. iii) The expenditures in connection with supplier’s payment. iv) Transportation cost up to the Bank’s godown. v) Transit Insurance and other expenses. vi) Godown rent and salary of officials etc. incurred before sale of goods.
Additional expenses
1. Duty 2. VAT 3. License fee 4. Commission for C&F agent etc.c) Cost price or total value = a + b
d) Estimated profit/Mark-up profit (profit percentage on purchase/cost price) e) Sale price = c + d f) The net Investment amount is determined after deduction of the down payment (if any ) from figure at “e” above.1. Bai-Muajjal sale is executed completely on deferred payment system 2. The sale price is determined adding the profit with cost price. It is not necessary to disclose the cost price and the profit mark-up separately to the client. But in Bai- Murabaha, the cost price and the profit mark-up ratios are to be disclosed separately to the client. 3. The accounting procedure for imported goods under both the Bai-Muajjal and Bai- Murabaha mode are alike. But so far as contract is concerned they are different. Bai- Murabaha contract and Bai-Muajjal contract are executed for imports under Bai- Murabaha and Bai-Muajjal modes respectively.
The Bank and the client invest their capital jointly through a contract called partnership (Shirkat).
The bank leases its portion at a certain rent. The Bank sells its portion to the client on receipt of the price under this system.01. | Product Name | : | Bai-Murabaha Hajj Investment and Bai-Murabaha Umrah Investment |
02. | Purpose of Investment | : | To perform Hajj and Umrah |
03. | Investment Nature | : | Bai-Murabaha (Service) |
04. | Term of Investment | : | A) Maximum 05 (five) years for Hajj including moratorium period B) Maximum 03 (three) years for Umrah including moratorium period |
05. | Moratorium Period | : | 03 (three) months (During taking preparation of performing Hajj and Umrah period). |
06. | Investment Limit | : | A) For Hajj : BDT 7.00 lac only or value as declared by the Government/Private package. B) For Umrah : BDT 1.00 lac to 2.00 lac only or value of the Umrah package. |
07. | Mark- Up Profit | : | @15.00% p.a (Mid-Rate) or the rate fixed by HO from deal to deal. |
08. | Installments Fixing Method | : | Reducing Method |
09. | Installments Amount | : | Installments will be fixed up on the basis of value of the package and term of Investment including moratorium period. The residual amount will be adjusted along with the last installment. |
10. | Repayment Method | : | Monthly installment/Advanced payment. |
11. | Investment Processing and Documentation Fee | : | As per Schedule of Charges of JBPLC. |
12. | Disbursement Branch | : | All Islami Banking Branches of the Bank. |
13. | Investment Sanction Authority | : | As per the latest Delegation of Business Power of Jamuna Bank PLC. |
14. | Eligible for Investment | : | A) All Bangladeshi Muslim Government and Private sector employees. B) All Other people (without service holders) holding Financial Legal Instruments like; Wage Earners Bond, US Dollar Bond, Mudaraba Fixed Deposit Receipt [MTDR] & other Mudaraba Scheme accounts of Jamuna Bank PLC. as well as other bank’s Instruments kept under lien against “Bai- Murabaha Hajj and Umrah Investment” up to 80% of Instruments Face Value. C) Job duration of the service holder will be at least 03 (three) years as a permanent employee. D) Applicant will be eligible for investment of his/ her Spouse, Father- Mother, Father/Mother in-law and Son- Daughter. E) Installment amount should not exceed 10% of the applicant’s monthly take home salary of the service holders. F) Adjustment of the total Investment will be made during the service period for service holders. G) Only Pre-registration holders for Hajj and on whom Hajj has become ‘Fard’ will be eligible for Investment. |
15. | Disbursement Procedures | : | A) The amount of Investment will be disbursed through issuing Payment Order/ Bank Demand Draft/BEFTN/RTGS in favor of Hajj/Umrah Agency or credited to the account of Hajj/Umrah Agency. B) Disbursement may be made through the Investment holder’s account by appointing him ‘Buying Agent’ according to the principles of Islamic Shari’ah in case of necessity. |
16. | Investment Margin | : | No Investment Margin. Bank may allow full or partial value of Hajj and Umrah Package. |
17. | Security | : | A) 02(two) Personal Guarantors must be required including spouse. B) Guarantor will be at least same grade or above of the investment holder (For service holders). C) Employer Certificate, No Objection Certificate & latest Salary Certificate duly issued by the competent Authority/employer must be obtained. D) Lien of Investment holder’s Provident Fund (PF) and Gratuity/undertaking along with the investment application form will be provided by the Investment holders for adjustment of the outstanding amount, which will be counter signed by the organization’s competent Authority. E) Investment holders will provide signed required No. of Cheques for legal action in case of default. F) The Investment will be processed by JBPLC. Retail Banking Division. |
18. | Investable Sectors | : | Airfare, Accommodation, Food and all other related expenses under the Hajj/Umrah package. |
19. | Documents Required for Investment | : | A) Quotation for package from the Government approved Hajj Agencies. B) 02(two) copies of passport size photograph (Applicant, Co-Applicant/Dependent/ Sponsor/Guarantor). C) Copy of National Identity Card/Passport (Applicant, Co-Applicant/ Dependent/ Sponsor/Guarantor). D) Employer Certificate, No Objection Certificate & Latest Salary Certificate duly issued by the competent authority/employer. E) Document of Hajj Pre- registration and Final Registration. F) TIN Certificate (as applicable). G) All the prevailing rules of the Bank (if not contrary to Shari’ah) must be duly followed. |
20. | Documents | : | A) DP Note. B) DP Note Delivery Letter. C) Letter of Guarantee on Non-Judicial Stamp. D) Balance Confirmation Letter. E) Security Delivery Letter. F) Letter of Lien. G) Letter of Installments. H) Letter of Disbursement. I) Letter of Undertaking. J) Agreements as per serial no.21. |
21. | Agreements Executed | : | A) Execution of Investment Agreement between Bank and applicant. B) Execution of Package Purchase Agreement between Bank and Government approved Agency (if applicable). C) Execution of Bank’s Sales Contract with Customer. D) Execution of Tripartite Agreement with Customer, Bank and Agency. |
22. | Investment Management | : | The Retail Banking Division will process/sanction the investment files. The concerned Division and the Branches will make ensure the 100% repayment of the amount of investment timely. |
23. | Miscellaneous | : | A) If the customer has a salary account in the Jamuna Bank PLC. or any other schedule Banks, he/she can get “Bai- Murabaha Hajj and Umrah Investment” from the Islami Banking Branches of Jamuna Bank PLC. In that case the following rules should be followed: i) Authorization form for payment must be obtained duly signed by the customer through EFT Debit. ii) Obtaining a six month’s Salary Account statement of the customer before making Investment. iii) Verifying all documents submitted by the customer. B) The amount of actual tax, VAT etc. determined by the Government should be collected from the customer’s account. C) The actual cost of legal and other incidental expenses shall be realized from the customer’s account. D) CIB report of the customer must be obtained from Bangladesh Bank. E) General lending/Financing guidelines and regulation issued by the Bank from time to time must be followed (if not inconsistent with Shari’ah). F) This investment will be sold to the customer after purchasing the Hajj/Umrah package from the Government approved Hajj/Umrah Agencies. |