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Money Market Operation

Money markets are used to facilitate the transfer of short-term funds from individuals, corporations or governments with excess funds to those with deficient funds. Even investors who focus on long-term securities tend to maintain some money market securities for liquidity.

Money Market Product

Call Money. FDR Repo Reverse Repo.

Foreign Exchange Dealing

JBL Treasury engaged in need based foreign currency transactions in inter-bank market. JBL dealing room is connected to world famous Thomson Reuters live currency monitor with other on-line dealing platforms of different international banks to quote competitive spot & forward prices for major currencies .We are offering competitive exchange rates to our Importers, Exporters and Non-Resident Remitters for major currencies against BDT

Foreign Exchange Products

Spot Dealing. Forward Dealing. SWAP. Corporate Deals. Term Placement.

Primary Dealers Operation

JBL is the market leader in Primary Dealer of Government securities. With a view to activating a secondary market in Treasury bills/Bonds and other Government securities Bangladesh Bank nominated JBL as a primary dealer in the year 2003. From the very beginning we are actively trading Government securities in OTC market. We have a large number of clients including individuals and institutions. We are nominated as best Primary Dealer by Bangladesh Bank.

Types of Govt. Securities.

Treasury bills tenure wise: 91 days, 182 days & 364 days Treasury bond tenure wise: 05 Years, 10 Years, 15 Years & 20 Years

Treasury management

Asset Liability Management (ALM)

The concept of Treasury Management involves the consideration of balanced approach to Asset and Liability Management of a Bank. In a sense, the underlying principles of Treasury Management are the same as that is applied to fund management in Banks. Here, fund management includes the management of both local currency and foreign currency business. Asset Liability Management (ALM) is an integral part of Bank Management; and so, it is essential to have a structured and systematic process for manage the Balance Sheet. JBL’s Asset & Liability management is monitored through ALCO. The information flow in the ALCO is diagrammed as below:

Asset Liability Committee (ALCO)

JBL have a committee comprising of the senior management of the bank to make important decisions related to the Balance Sheet of the Bank. The committee, typically called the Asset Liability Committee (ALCO), should meet at least once every month to analysis, review and formulate strategy to manage the balance sheet.

Organizational structure of Asset & Liability Committee (ALCO)

The key roles and responsibilities of the ALM :
To assume overall responsibilities of Money Market activities. To manage liquidity and interest rate risk of the bank. To comply with the local central bank regulations in respect of bank’s statutory obligations as well as thorough understanding of the risk elements involved with the business. Understanding of the market dynamics i.e competition, potential target markets etc. Provide inputs to the Treasurer regarding market views and update the balance sheet movement. Deal within the dealer’s authorized limit.   For any query please contact: +88-02-7160053, +88-02-7162502

Govt. Securities Investment Window

Functions of “Government Securities Investment Window” under control of Treasury Division: Provide information about investment in T.Bond/T.bill along with Coupon/Yield of T.Bond/T.Bill to the Prospective clients. Taking necessary action about opening account of T.Bond/T.Bill to the Individual/Company investors. For real time secured transaction advise to open a bank account for overall settlement like – securities buy-sale, coupon payment & face value maturity. Accomplishment of Securities Buy/Sale transaction on the basis of Client requisition. Coupon payment, maturity amount payment & all kind of transaction related to the Buy/Sale should be done timely against Client Bank Account. Accomplishment of reconciliation of securities of all existing Clint’s securities. Regularly keep contact with Treasury Division about securities related functions.  

Contact Persons:

Treasury Division

Mr. Md. Mehedi Hasan

Executive Vice President & Head of Treasury Treasury Division 09610472104 01713329317

Mr. Md. Tanveer Haider

Senior Executive Officer & Dealer Treasury Division 09610472102 01713329323

Ms. Fahmida Quddus

First Officer Treasury Division 09610472102 01521211871

Ms. Zubayda Benta Mozib

Assistant Officer Treasury Division 09610005678-5343

Contact Address

Treasury Division Corporate Office, Level-9 Jamuna Bank Tower Plot#14, Bir Uttam A.K. Khandaker Road, Block#C, Gulshan-1, Dhaka, Bangladesh.