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The Annual Business Conference 2024 of Jamuna Bank PLC. took place at a luxury hotel in Dhaka. The event was graced by the distinguished presence of Md. Saidul Islam, Chairman of Jamuna Bank PLC., who expressed his satisfaction and congratulated all employees for the remarkable success achieved by the bank in 2023. He served as the Chief Guest, accompanied by the esteemed Board of the Directors of the bank, including Engr. A. K. M. Mosharraf Hussain, Al-Haj Nur Mohammed (also Chairman of Jamuna Bank Foundation), Md. Redwan-ul Karim Ansari, Shaheen Mahmud, Md. Ismail Hossain Siraji, and Independent Directors Md. Abdur Rahman Sarker, Md. Humayun Kabir Khan, Md. Abdul Jabber Chowdhury, and M. Murshidul Haque Khan, who attended as Special Guests. The conference was presided over by Mirza Elias Uddin Ahmed, the dynamic Managing Director and CEO of Jamuna Bank PLC. He directed the proceedings alongside the involvement of Higher Officials, Divisional Heads, and Branch Managers from all branches across the county. The conference delved into a detailed discussion of the bank’s management activities, leading to important decisions to expand various bank initiatives. Notably, the Chairman Award 2023 was presented to the heads of different branches and some other divisions.